

Aidan Courtney

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I have a confession to make!

I know I'm kinda little for confessions already, but I do have a confession to make. I am a bit impatient. Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a little on the impatient side...ok ok...A LOT on the impatient side!

I just don't like to wait for things to happen. I am supposed to be the center of attention in my house right? :) My mommy even gets notes home from my teacher at school that I am working on being patient. Ha!

I don't know what happens to me, but when I see my mommy or my teachers getting my food ready, I can't help it. I just start pulling my hair and screaming! I can't stop until I get my food. I'm not starving or anything, I just want my food right away! Mommy tries to use her behavior stuff on me...ha! Good luck with that Mommy! Here are some pictures my Mommy took of me being impatient. I think I look pretty good! :)

Mmmmm, this banana is so yummy! I don't think I'd say it was "worth the wait" though!

I tried to tell Mommy that I was just fixing my hair...not being impatient!
I am happy that I have my food! Next time Mommy, be faster!!! I love you Mommy!

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