

Aidan Courtney

Thursday, November 4, 2010


One of the craziest days of my life was on October 31st! Mommy and Daddy put me in this Frankenstein Costume! The 1st thing we did that morning was go to my friend Ali's house for a Halloween bash! Ok, it was 10am, which is the earliest party that Mommy and Daddy said they have ever been to! All my friends there were dressed up me, I have lots of girlfriends....seriously, there were about 10 girls there and only 2 boys! Oh yeah! Hello ladies!

Ali has some cool vehicles at her house...beep beep!

I had fun in the ball pit!!!

Ali said she was going to make me something yummy to eat!

Daddy and I put stickers on a pumpkin and colored!

After the party, we all took a big nap...I took a 3 hour nap. Entertaining all those girls at the party was HARD work! Daddy said I need to get used to it!

When I woke up, Mommy and Daddy put my Frankenstein costume back on!! Then they put me in my wagon and we walked around the neighborhood. I got to walk up to some houses, ring their doorbell and put candy in my pumpkin! I thought that pumpkin was for carrying balls around in, but I found out that it's for putting candy in! I never got to taste any of that candy...I wonder where it all went?????

Alright! I am ready to go trick or treating! Let's get this wagon moving!!!

I stayed out all the way until 8:00....WOW! It was weird being in my wagon when it's dark outside....and seeing all those people in funny costumes! My favorite costume of the night was.....THE CAT IN THE HAT! Can you believe I ran into him while trick or treating???? It was amazing! What a night....I came home and went to bed! Mommy and Daddy turned out all the lights and hid from the trick or treaters! HA!

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