

Aidan Courtney

Monday, November 29, 2010

I am a helper

Just wanted to tell you how I help my Mommy around the house. When Mommy is cooking (which is more and more these days!), I sit on the counter and watch her. I am really good and I don't touch anything. I sit very still. Tonight I even helped my mommy stir the noodles (which I call "noonoos").

I do help put away my toys when Mommy and Daddy ask me to. The one thing I have selective hearing about, is picking up my drinks on the floor. When they ask me to pick those up, that is when I like to RUN the other direction! But want someone to throw something away for you....I am your baby!

I am also saying more and more these days. Here is a list of all the things I know how to say!
Noonoo (Noodle)
Baa (sheep)
Neigh (horse)
opa (open)--I want a lot of things open like the blinds, doors, and foods!
no no no
dow (down)
Nana (for my Nana or for a Banana!)
mine (I know what is mine!!!)

I also use lots of sign language
all done
french fries
horse (to get my mommy to do "Trot little horsey" game)
**I am sure there is more, but I can't remember right now.

I can also point to some of my body parts like eyes, nose, mouth, hair, head, ears, feet, and tummy. I am much better at pointing to other people's body parts. Sometimes I have a hard time finding my eyes and I end up pointing to my head. Mommy and Daddy think that's pretty funny.

I am very good at brushing my hair and my teeth! I have given up going pee pee on the potty for a while. I still like to get my potty seat out and sit on it, but them I tell Mommy that I am all done! I also know how to shake my head yes and no at the correct time.

Well I gotta go for now! I have to get ready to meet Santa Claus tomorrow at school! I hope I get some good pictures with the big guy!

My Panda get up! Mommy thinks I look cute.. something tells me I will regret this one day!

I LOVE it when Daddy tickles me! I love to play rough!

Me helping mommy cook and stir!
We have to put the "noonoos" in next!

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