

Aidan Courtney

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hats "on" Day and Halloween Festival at School

It's been such a busy you can tell from all the posts I have made! I'm combining 2 events into this post!

In early October, we had "Hats on Day" at my school. Hats on Day is a fundraiser for childhood cancer. I made a donation and in return, I got to wear my hat to school!

Here I am....looking good in my hat!

What do ya think ladies? :)

The 2nd part of my post is about the Fall Festival/Halloween party at my school! It was on October 30th and I got to wear my costume to school! There were so many people there! I played games and even went into a haunted house in the gym at my school! That was so much fun! The best part was that I got to go into almost all the other classrooms in my school...they have so many neat toys, I can't wait to get into the big kid classes!

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