

Aidan Courtney

Monday, November 29, 2010

I am a helper

Just wanted to tell you how I help my Mommy around the house. When Mommy is cooking (which is more and more these days!), I sit on the counter and watch her. I am really good and I don't touch anything. I sit very still. Tonight I even helped my mommy stir the noodles (which I call "noonoos").

I do help put away my toys when Mommy and Daddy ask me to. The one thing I have selective hearing about, is picking up my drinks on the floor. When they ask me to pick those up, that is when I like to RUN the other direction! But want someone to throw something away for you....I am your baby!

I am also saying more and more these days. Here is a list of all the things I know how to say!
Noonoo (Noodle)
Baa (sheep)
Neigh (horse)
opa (open)--I want a lot of things open like the blinds, doors, and foods!
no no no
dow (down)
Nana (for my Nana or for a Banana!)
mine (I know what is mine!!!)

I also use lots of sign language
all done
french fries
horse (to get my mommy to do "Trot little horsey" game)
**I am sure there is more, but I can't remember right now.

I can also point to some of my body parts like eyes, nose, mouth, hair, head, ears, feet, and tummy. I am much better at pointing to other people's body parts. Sometimes I have a hard time finding my eyes and I end up pointing to my head. Mommy and Daddy think that's pretty funny.

I am very good at brushing my hair and my teeth! I have given up going pee pee on the potty for a while. I still like to get my potty seat out and sit on it, but them I tell Mommy that I am all done! I also know how to shake my head yes and no at the correct time.

Well I gotta go for now! I have to get ready to meet Santa Claus tomorrow at school! I hope I get some good pictures with the big guy!

My Panda get up! Mommy thinks I look cute.. something tells me I will regret this one day!

I LOVE it when Daddy tickles me! I love to play rough!

Me helping mommy cook and stir!
We have to put the "noonoos" in next!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

November is almost over!

WOW, this month really went by FAST! I can't believe that I am almost 15 months old! Not much has been going on since my last post, however we did have THANKSGIVING!

For Thanksgiving we did something totally different this year....we stayed HOME! Mommy said this is only the 2nd time in her entire life that she has been home for Thanksgiving! Mommy has been working a lot....and I also heard her say that she didn't want to drive 9 hours with "you know who" in the car." She must have been talking about Dada and who could blame her...9 hours in a car with Daddy can be a lot! Just kidding Daddy!

So anyway, we stayed home which meant that I got to spend 5 whole days with both Mommy and Daddy at home! YAY! Unfortunately, I woke up on Thanksgiving morning with a 103 fever! WAHHHHHHH!

For Thanksgiving, we went to my Grandpa's house and I got to see my Uncle Dave...who I have not seen in an entire year! I was sad that I didn't get to see my cousins and mommy was really sad that she didn't get any of Aunt MariCarmen's pasta salad! Mommy says that I might get to go to my cousins house for their birthday and that sounds like FUN!

So back to Thanksgiving! I got to eat Turkey, ham, and some potatoes. The only bad thing about Thanksgiving, was my nap time! There I was, sleeping in Grandpa's room. When I woke up, I kinda forgot where I was, got scared, and cried....but nobody heard me for a few minutes! Luckily Daddy heard me and came to my rescue! I was so sad that I could not stop crying and catch my breath! I hope that never happens again!

On Friday, Uncle Dave came over and played with me....and of course, everybody watched LOTS of football! Luckily Mommy's team won, Uncle Dave's team won, and Daddy's team won! That is a good day at my house!

That night, I was really feeling bad and barely slept. Mommy and Daddy took me to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta on Saturday morning. They took an x-ray of my chest and did a horrible swab of my nose! Luckily, I don't have pneumonia or RSV....just a BAD cold/cough. So I have a little inhaler, which I don't like. The best thing was I got to pick out a sticker AND I got a Popsicle! YUMMY!!!!!!!!!

See ya in December!

I don't look sick do I? Things were starting to look up...must be my "Great Patient" sticker!
Here is a close up of my sticker...did I mention that I was a good patient?? :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I have a confession to make!

I know I'm kinda little for confessions already, but I do have a confession to make. I am a bit impatient. Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a little on the impatient side...ok ok...A LOT on the impatient side!

I just don't like to wait for things to happen. I am supposed to be the center of attention in my house right? :) My mommy even gets notes home from my teacher at school that I am working on being patient. Ha!

I don't know what happens to me, but when I see my mommy or my teachers getting my food ready, I can't help it. I just start pulling my hair and screaming! I can't stop until I get my food. I'm not starving or anything, I just want my food right away! Mommy tries to use her behavior stuff on me...ha! Good luck with that Mommy! Here are some pictures my Mommy took of me being impatient. I think I look pretty good! :)

Mmmmm, this banana is so yummy! I don't think I'd say it was "worth the wait" though!

I tried to tell Mommy that I was just fixing my hair...not being impatient!
I am happy that I have my food! Next time Mommy, be faster!!! I love you Mommy!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


One of the craziest days of my life was on October 31st! Mommy and Daddy put me in this Frankenstein Costume! The 1st thing we did that morning was go to my friend Ali's house for a Halloween bash! Ok, it was 10am, which is the earliest party that Mommy and Daddy said they have ever been to! All my friends there were dressed up me, I have lots of girlfriends....seriously, there were about 10 girls there and only 2 boys! Oh yeah! Hello ladies!

Ali has some cool vehicles at her house...beep beep!

I had fun in the ball pit!!!

Ali said she was going to make me something yummy to eat!

Daddy and I put stickers on a pumpkin and colored!

After the party, we all took a big nap...I took a 3 hour nap. Entertaining all those girls at the party was HARD work! Daddy said I need to get used to it!

When I woke up, Mommy and Daddy put my Frankenstein costume back on!! Then they put me in my wagon and we walked around the neighborhood. I got to walk up to some houses, ring their doorbell and put candy in my pumpkin! I thought that pumpkin was for carrying balls around in, but I found out that it's for putting candy in! I never got to taste any of that candy...I wonder where it all went?????

Alright! I am ready to go trick or treating! Let's get this wagon moving!!!

I stayed out all the way until 8:00....WOW! It was weird being in my wagon when it's dark outside....and seeing all those people in funny costumes! My favorite costume of the night was.....THE CAT IN THE HAT! Can you believe I ran into him while trick or treating???? It was amazing! What a night....I came home and went to bed! Mommy and Daddy turned out all the lights and hid from the trick or treaters! HA!

Hats "on" Day and Halloween Festival at School

It's been such a busy you can tell from all the posts I have made! I'm combining 2 events into this post!

In early October, we had "Hats on Day" at my school. Hats on Day is a fundraiser for childhood cancer. I made a donation and in return, I got to wear my hat to school!

Here I am....looking good in my hat!

What do ya think ladies? :)

The 2nd part of my post is about the Fall Festival/Halloween party at my school! It was on October 30th and I got to wear my costume to school! There were so many people there! I played games and even went into a haunted house in the gym at my school! That was so much fun! The best part was that I got to go into almost all the other classrooms in my school...they have so many neat toys, I can't wait to get into the big kid classes!

Pumpkin Patch!

On October 23rd, Mommy and Daddy took me to this place called Burt's Farm. It was really neat, but kind of far away! On the way there, I overheard Mommy and Daddy say something about this Dawsonville Moonshine Festival...sounds kinda funny to me!

Anyway, they thankfully passed up the Moonshine festival and we ended up at the pumpkin patch at Burt's! It was so much fun! We went with Grandpa, Marilyn, my friend Evan, his mommy and daddy, and his Grandma!

Uhhhhh, I can't push these pumkins! They are sooo big!

Wow! I am up high!
I love to sit on benches....anything I can get up and down off of, over and over again!
WOW! So many pumpkins...which one do I want???
I think this wheel barrow was the most fun part of my trip to the pumpkin patch!!!!

On the hayride! Hold on!!!

We rode through a covered bridge!

I had so much fun!


One of my favorite places to go these days is the PLAYGROUND! I have so much fun climbing up on the ladders, stairs, and I try to climb up the slides. I'll keep this post short and just show you all my fun pictures from playing!

I can do down the steps by myself...almost!

This playground is so much fun! AHHHHH!

Here I go!

Nana and Geepadder...OH BOY!

So if you didn't already know, I was born to 2 crazy football fans! Pretty much Thursday through Sunday, there is this game called football that my mommy and daddy watch....all. day. long. So I heard Mommy and Daddy say that they were going to Auburn for a weekend to watch the Tigers play Arkansas! I tried to ask them, "What am I going to do?" Then I heard them say that Nana and Geepadder were coming to spend a whole weekend with me! YIIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEE!

Sure enough, on Thursday night Nana and Geepadder showed up....and my Aunt Dana! We went out to dinner and got to hang out. On Friday, Daddy showed up with this giant house on wheels (an RV). I got to run around in it and it was fun! But then Mommy and Daddy got in the house on wheels and can you believe it? They drove away????!!!!! I wanted them to think I was sad, but guess what? I was ready for them to leave, so I could hang out with my Nana and Geepadder!

My Nana loves to play with me and she lets me do things that Mommy doesn't! Good thing that Geepadder likes to go on walks....because SO DO I! I took Geepadder on LOTS of walks in my tricycle and wagon. We met all the neighbors and I got to see all the doggies in the neighborhood. I was such a good boy and I slept all night, every night! Turns out that it was the start to my new sleeping habits. Sleeping through the night is actually fun...who knew? :)

Thanks for coming Nana and Geepadder! I can't wait to see you at Christmas and I'm so glad that you finally have a web cam so I can see you on skype!

Nana and I hanging out!

I'm so cool! I love to wear my sunglasses!

C'mon Geepadder, let's go on our 15th walk for the day! It's only 11 am!

Let me show you how it's done Geepadder..."TOUCHDOWN!"

Geepadder likes to watch football too??? There's no escaping this football madness! I guess I'll have to give in! WAR EAGLE Geepadder!