

Aidan Courtney

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thinking back to the old days...

So I was reminiscing the other night about a trip I took, before Mommy made by blog! I thought I'd share some of my travels with my fans now. In October of 2009, Daddy and Mommy took me on my first airplane ride to Washington D.C.!! Daddy had a bunch of meetings and mommy and I were just tagging along. It was exciting because it was my first trip to D.C. and Mommy's too! Daddy used to live up there, so it wasn't as exciting for him, plus he had to work.

We stayed at the Gaylord National hotel and it was NICE! It had this really cool water fountain that played music and turned colors every night! During the day, daddy was at meetings, so mommy and I decided to go out and explore the city!

We went to the Aerospace Museum, the Capitol Building, and walked around to see some of the sites! Mommy took lots of pictures and I kept her VERY busy! I was only 7 weeks old at the time and I gave Mommy and Daddy a little bit of a rough time in the hotel.

Mommy and Daddy did take me swimming in the hotel pool! It was a little cold, but I didn't cry. At night, we went out to dinner in the shops by the hotel. One night, mommy and daddy just had to order in, because I was a little upset. I didn't sleep very well at night, so Mommy and Daddy were very tired when the trip was over (who wants to sleep in some random crib?)! I was very good on the airplane, I love to fly! Everyone kept saying that they didn't even realize there was a baby on the plane!

What great memories for me...maybe not so much for Mommy and Daddy! I hope you enjoy this trip down Memory Lane! :)

The Gaylor National Hotel at night! Isn't it PRETTY?

Mommy and I by the cool fountain! I really liked to ride in my baby bjorn carrier...then I could be with mommy all the time! I also slept in there...Mommy always says that carrier saved her...from what I'm not sure, maybe she was being chased by a monster trying to steal her paci!

Mommy and I in front of the Capitol building! What a neat place! Mommy was very adventurous to leave the hotel on her own with me and ride a bus into D.C. for the whole day! :)

Mommy and I in some important room on our Capitol Building tour. Sometimes I would get a little bored on the tour when the lady was talking about all the mommy would have to walk away so I didn't interrupt the tour!

This was probably the ONE time I was happy! It was also probably one of the first times I smiled in my whole life! Can you believe that?? Mommy loved this outfit, she said I looked like an Italian New Yorker in it! :)

Ready to go swimming! These were my first swim trunks ever! Don't I look super cute? Mommy even bought me a float and took it on the trip with us! I used this float over this summer too!Mommy and Daddy with me in the cold pool! I think we only stayed for about 2 minutes! That is probably the quickest swim ever, but Mommy couldn't wait to take me there!

Us in front of the fountain at night. It was a really neat fountain show, but I remember it being kinda loud!

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