

Aidan Courtney

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Georgia Aquarium!

On Friday, Mommy took me to The Georgia Aquarium! I'm not sure what was cooler, all the fish or all the kids running around me! Either way, it was a lot of fun! I saw a Whale Shark and lots of cool fish. I was really mad that I could not touch the Jellyfish! I was banging on the glass and screaming at them. Then I got really mad at Mommy when she put me back in my stroller. I really wanted to just touch the jellyfish! I also got to touch a Sting Ray! It was so cool, except it splashed the little girl next to me and when she started crying, that made me want to cry! Booohooo!

I can drive this ship!

"Hey Everyone! Welcome to the Amazon River Exhibit. I am your greeter, Aidan Courtney. To the left are the alligators and to the right are the fish!"

WOW! Look at all those fish!

A shark and it's shark week!!! AHHHHH!

WOW! Look at th

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