

Aidan Courtney

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Forks, cups, and car seats! Oh my!

I know I keep saying this, but now I really mean it...I am a BIG BOY! I have been working on using my fork and I like it! It's okay if mommy helps me put the food on the fork because that part is hard. However, please mommy, do not touch my cup!! I can do it all by myself and I don't need your help! If you help me, I will throw my cup on the floor and then cry about it! Don't even try to sneak that cup back up on my tray because you ruined my whole experience by helping me! :) I do best drinking juice out of a sippy cup, but I can also drink out of a big boy cup without a lid. I have to admit, I do spill a little....ok A LOT, but I am still good at it!

I knew something strange was going on when mommy kept taking me back and forth from Babies R Us to Target. She kept making me sit in these funny seats with seat belts in them. Then one day it happened....that seat showed up in my car!! Next thing ya know, I'm sitting in it, riding down the road with the A/C blowing in my face.....ahhhhh, this is the life! I can't believe I've been riding backwards all this time with the sun in my face and no A/C blowing on me!! I will never go back...although I do miss my bug friends that hung on my other car seat! But now there are much more things to look at and yesterday I got to see windshield wipers going back and forth for my first time!!! I'm still not 100% sure what to think of everything. For now, I just kick back and take it all in...quietly...I'm sure that won't last long. :)

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