

Aidan Courtney

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sneak Peak

My party is coming up soon! It's in 12 days! I know for sure that I'm having a Cat in the Hat party, but mommy and daddy have not really let me see any of my stuff for my party. I can't wait because I will have so many of my favorite people there. Mommy and Daddy decided that it would be perfect to limit my party to family only, but that's ok because family are flying and driving from all over the world (well just Mississippi, Tennesee, and Florida), but it is going to be fun! Here is a sneak peak at my party invitation and my shirt that I am going to wear at my party!

My Invitation! Mommy custom made all of it!

Mommy came up with the rhyme for my invitation.

YAY! I'm going to be 1!

Pretty cool invitation huh?

My shirt!

HAHA! Mommy made me another cool shirt! I am wearing this one to school to impress the babes...or babies. :)

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