

Aidan Courtney

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Report Card!

Well mommy finally had time to take pictures of me and my report card! I hope you enjoy them. I really just wanted to eat the report card, but mommy wouldn't let me.

I have been having fun playing ball with mommy and daddy. They are teaching me the sign language for ball and showing me how to ask for it. So far I don't care about that, just give me the ball! I have been eating well and I have 1 tooth that has finally popped through! I heard mommy say something about buying me a toothbrush...a what??

Big news...I'm getting tubes put in my ears! I can't wait because then I can spend more time at school and less time at the doctor! I miss my friends at school and I think mommy needs to go to work!

On Friday I am going on an airplane to Nana and Geepadder's house!!! I can't wait to see them. My cousins are also coming up from Orlando! YAY! Lots of friends to play with and entertain me! I love to be entertained...well I love to entertain them!

Today mommy lost her driver's license, so she dragged me to the DMV! first it was boring because mommy had me sitting in my car seat, but when she took me out, boy did I have fun! I was laughing at the man behind me and then everyone in the room was looking at me and laughing....then I realized that everyone was there to entertain me! It was so much fun making all those people laugh, while they were bored and waiting for a piece of paper saying they could drive. I hope mommy takes me back there again, but she found her license, so I don't think we'll be back there anytime soon.

Well gotta go for now...enjoy my pictures!

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