

Aidan Courtney

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

6 Months Old!!!

Yesterday was my 6-month birthday!! I am getting SO big! It's been a very busy couple of weeks, so I have not had time to write to my fans on my blog!

After mommy took me to so many doctors, we finally found out why I have been having so much trouble sleeping and why I have been scratching myself. I have allergies! At first mommy got really freaked out because the blood test showed that I was allergic to milk, eggs, wheat, whey, corn, peanuts, cats, and dogs! Then I went to a special allergist and he pricked my arms all over...I didn't even cry! There we found out that I am allergic to milk, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. He said that I may/may not be allergic to the cat because it is hard to test for that in a baby so little. I'm taking special medicine and I have a special oil that mommy puts on me 2 times a day. My skin feels SO much better and I don't scratch anymore. The best part about the whole ordeal was that Nana came to visit me! Even though she took my kitty back home with her, it was fun to see Nana and show her everything I can do. She sure must love my kitty because she drove 14 hours round trip to come and get him! :)

I have been really busy playing. I LOVE to roll over, but I don't exactly like being on my tummy after I have rolled over. I got to see my 2nd snow, but we didn't make any snowmen this time. I am sleeping much better, but still not more than 4 hours (and I still like to sleep with mommy and daddy). Mommy has been making me some yummy food and I am having so much fun with my friends at school!

What I love the most are cars and hats! Hats are really fun and make me laugh! Mommy and daddy put hats on all the time and I just love to laugh at them....they look silly! I also LOVE to watch the cars go by in front of my house. Cars are really neat! Mommy said she is going to put a video on here of me playing with daddy and his hat....I love to laugh and play with my daddy!

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