

Aidan Courtney

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I have had a fun weekend! On Friday night, I went with mommy and daddy to a party at a neighbor's house. On Saturday mommy and daddy took me to the playground to swing and then on Sunday we went to lunch and to a different playground!

I have started to talk a lot! I love to say "Babababababababa" all day long! I also want to make sure everyone can hear me, so I talk kinda loud! :) Mommy and daddy blew bubbles for me and we played with a ball. They also keep trying to help me crawl, but for now I'm ok just laying around and letting my toys come to me!

I also showed mommy and daddy how I can shake my head "no" at them! On Sunday I called Nana and said "babababababa" on the phone to her! I enjoyed hearing Nana make animal noises into the phone. :)

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