

Aidan Courtney

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So I am sick again! I'm tired of getting ear infections. This time both of my ears are infected and I'm coughing and sneezing like crazy! I finally have some medicine and am starting to feel like myself again! Hopefully I won't get anymore ear aches! I don't want to have tubes put in my ears.

On a good note, I finally decided to try mommy's famous Butternut Squash...YUM! I guess I'll eat it. I definitely don't like Avocados though! I really love apples and pears, I can eat lots of that!

I am sleeping much better now (well except for being sick). I sleep in my bed from 7:00pm-10:00, then it's time for me to have a bottle and off to mommy and daddy's bed I go! :) I love to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed. I overheard mommy saying that after I'm better, she's going to start making me sleep in my room...we'll see about that mommy!

I can almost sit up all by myself. I fall over sometimes (usually backwards!). I have been working on moving! Today I enjoyed rolling across the living room and I am trying to perfect my crawling stance.

Today I learned how to take the rings off my ring stacker. Mommy clapped after I took each one off. It was so much fun!!!!

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