

Aidan Courtney

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Break/Easter!

I had a great Spring Break and Easter! Mommy and I flew to Memphis to see Nana and Geepadder! My Aunt MariCarmen, my four cousins, and their Abuelo came too! We had so much fun and I got SO much attention (sorry to my teachers at school if I am a little spoiled after break!).

We went to Easter Mass on Sunday and for the rest of the time we just played, went fishing, fed the ducks, and mommy took me to Paula Dean's restaurant! I had so much fun and I was so good on the plane! I love to find my friends on the plane and laugh at them the whole way.

Nana got her knee replaced while I was there, so I went to cheer her up while she was in the hospital. I played with Geepadder and my cousins and I had a good time. Mommy said she was tired because I was still on Eastern time, so I was waking up around 4:00am and ready to play! I was a good sleeper at Nana's house! I also got to visit with my kitty cat Flounder! Boy to I miss him, but he didn't seem to miss me. Enjoy my pictures!

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