

Aidan Courtney

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


What a busy Spring Break! After I got back from Nana's, my Aunt Dana and my 3 other cousins came to visit from Knoxville. We took a trip to Auburn, where mommy went to college. Daddy tried to get me to wear my FSU hat, but I just wanted to wear orange and blue for this trip. We had so much fun! We went to Toomer's Corner and I had my first taste of Toomer's was sour, but YUMMY! We walked all over Auburn and mommy showed me where she went to class. I humored mommy while she took pictures of me EVERYWHERE! I had a good time!

When we got back, Aunt Dana and McKenzie babysat me. I took a bath and went right to sleep, no bottle required! I was TIRED! Then on Sunday, Aunt Dana took me to see mommy play tennis. I had fun entertaining the crowd.

Hopefully all that yucky yellow pollen stuff will go away soon! I don't like being itchy all the time!

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