

Aidan Courtney

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am really on the move now!

So for the past couple of weeks, I have been working on perfecting my walking skills. For about a month, I have been able to stand up in the middle of the floor, but not go anywhere. On September 3rd (the day after my birthday), I took 2 steps for my first time ever. Over the past couple of weeks,I have taken as many as 12 steps in a row...maybe a little more than that.

When mommy picked me up from school today, my teacher told her that I was walking back and forth to my teachers. I have done some of that with Mommy and Daddy too. Mommy brought me home from school today and I have to admit, I was a little bit grumpy and tired. Then Daddy came home and I perked up some. That's when I decided to show them what I could do! I stood up in the kitchen (like I always do), then I walked all the way to the front door (about 40 Aidan steps). Mommy and Daddy clapped for me....they seemed very excited. So I just decided from then on that I would just walk around the house. I walked back and forth all over the place. When I would fall down, you know what I would do? Get up and start walking again. Walking is fun and I am very proud of myself. I can't wait to show all my friends at school tomorrow!!!

The only bad thing about walking is, you get boo boos. I already got one today! Can ya believe it? I fell down outside and scraped my didn't hurt and I didn't cry, but it was bleeding a little bit. I'm sure Mommy will take a picture of it tomorrow.

We went for a walk tonight, but I didn't want to walk, I wanted to ride my tricycle. When we got back I was too pooped to let Mommy video me walking around. I'm sure she'll break out the camera tomorrow!

Catch ya later guys! Pretty soon, you won't be able to catch me! :)

Say goodbye to my cute bear walk and hello to walking on 2 feet!

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