

Aidan Courtney

Friday, February 11, 2011

All Aboard/Chores/Shaving

I am growing so fast, Mommy and Daddy say it's difficult to keep track of how much I am growing! I am in love.....with CHOO CHOO TRAINS! Ever since Christmas I have just been all about the choo choo trains! It's all I talk about at home. As soon as we walk into the house, I say, "ooo ooo," and that means let's go play trains! I can spot a train anywhere and if you take me to the mall I know there is a choo choo train there and I am always ready to ride it! I love to read my Little Engine that Could book every single night!

Daddy loves to play trains with me! We like to crash the train into the stop sign!
"oooo ooooo"

Here comes the train Daddy!

I have even started doing some chores around the house. I always make sure to push my chair in after I'm done eating, I like to put my toys back on the shelf (well some of them), and I help Daddy take the trash out. I can carry it (well drag it) all the way to the garage. While daddy is getting trash bags to put in the trash cans, I help by pushing the trash can all over the kitchen. :)

Let me get this trash out into the garage!

Here I come Daddy! Get ready to put it in the big trash can!

Something else I started doing is shaving! Not really shaving people! It's a toy razor and it even comes with shaving cream! I love to look in the mirror and shave...just like DADDY!

This feels kinda funny!

Daddy, put some more shaving cream on me!

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