

Aidan Courtney

Friday, February 11, 2011


On January 14th I started a new class....GYMNASTICS! It was so much fun! My teachers' name is Miss Lindy and she is so much fun! First we stretch and then we get to do all sorts of fun activities. I am learning to do a somersault, backward roll, walk on the balance beam, hang from the bar, jump on a trampoline, and do a handstand! I have to practice my safety stop and airplane arms, but I already have the hang of putting my arms up and saying, "Tahdah!" It was so much fun! Below are some videos of me doing gymnastics!

This is me doing my somersault with Miss Lindy!

First you get to see my friend Ali take her turn on the bars and then I'm up! I am getting so strong!

Well there I was watching Miss Lindy show us what we were going to do and my friend Ali starts putting the moves on me!

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