

Aidan Courtney

Monday, January 3, 2011

Baking Cookies

Today Mommy and I bought some cookie mix to make me some sugar cookies. I have a lot of food allergies, so it's always hard to find ways to make me cookies.

I helped Mommy mix all the ingredients together. I love help stir and I like to say, "cook" while we make things. After we mixed it together, we put the cookie dough on a baking sheet, then put it in the oven! I watched them to see when they would be ready.

When they were done, I put icing and sprinkles on them! I LOVED the icing and sprinkles! Unfortunately, that was about all I did like about the cookies. The cookies would have probably been much better with real eggs and real butter!

I go the my Allergist on Friday to be tested again for my allergies. Hopefully something looks better!!!!! I can't wait until I can eat real food!!!!

I am ready to bake some cookies!!

Stir the ingredients....and maybe eat some along the way!

Stir, stir, stir!
Watch them bake! Are they ready yet???

Mmmmm, this is my favorite part! FROSTING!

Add the sprinkles!


Here is my cookie!!!

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