

Aidan Courtney

Sunday, January 2, 2011

16 Months Old!

Well today I'm 16 months old! That is a whole year and half old!!! I'm halfway to 2!! I can't believe it! I'm doing so many fun things right now. Mommy and Daddy are always laughing at the things I do! Here are some things I can do

I can say Mama, Dada, Papa, Nana, Oh No, Oh Man, Uh-oh, car, vacuum, Blueberry (boobooey), bathroom, snack (nack), up, down, noodles (noonoos), choo chooo (oooh ooh), and many more! I try to say just about everything that mommy and daddy watch what you say Mommy and Daddy! I'm listening! Just yesterday, Daddy was watching football (shocking) and he said, "OH MAN!" I said it right after he did! He thought that was funny.

I still know all my signs and I can now sign "candy" too. I can run and I'm working on jumping, but right now I have trouble getting my feet to both leave the ground! I'm a really good listener (most of the time). When I am listening to music, I do what the words tell me to do. There is this one song I like called, "Fixin' my hair" and whenever it comes on, I run and get my brush...or if my broom is nearby, that works too! :)

Well I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve and I hope 2011 is good to you!

Love Aidan

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