

Aidan Courtney

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ugh! I'm sick!

Well it happened...I got sick! I really don't like this at all! My ear hurts, I have a fever, and my throat hurts. Mommy and daddy have been taking good care of me though. Mommy held me all day yesterday and let me sleep on her chest for 4 hours! I really needed the rest!

Today I am feeling better...thank goodness my fever has gone down. My ear still hurts some, but I think it's getting better. They gave me bubblegum flavored medicine...I don't care what flavor it is, I'm not taking it! Mommy is always shoving medicine in my mouth and I'm done with it!

I was excited today, mommy and daddy bought me a new toy! They got me a walker! Mommy has been wanting to buy me one for a while, because I LOVE to stand up! My feet barely touch the floor, but I know how to move backwards in it. I still have not quite realized that I'm going backwards. One thing I do love to do in my walker is look up at the clock in the kitchen...I love that clock!

Well I gotta run....I mean crawl...I mean...uh, lay around! I'll write again tomorrow!

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