

Aidan Courtney

Saturday, February 20, 2010


It has been such a fun weekend so far! Last night, I spent the night with Grandpa and Marilyn! I was on my best behavior and I only got up once in the night! I'm not sure what mommy and daddy were doing, but I had a fun night!

Today has been a lot of fun! It was sunny and warm, so mommy and daddy took me to the park in my neighborhood. I had never been there before and it was FUN! I got to sit in a swing like a big boy and mommy and daddy took me down the slide! I can't wait until I can walk and then I can do it by myself. Mommy took lots of pictures of me (of course).

Then when we came home, mommy and I played in the backyard on a blanket. She showed me what tennis balls are. I love tennis balls! I played so much that I was ready for a nap! Maybe I'll write more tomorrow if something exciting happens!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Video of me sitting and laughing at animal sounds

I am starting to sit for longer periods of time and I LOVE for mommy to make funny animal sounds. My favorite is a monkey!

I love to JUMP!

Here's a video of my jumping! This is my favorite thing to do!

I am learning to SIT!

When I was done playing in the snow yesterday, I showed mommy and daddy how I can sit up!  I'm still working on it, but I can sit by myself for about 10-15 seconds...before I go falling over!  Sitting up to play with my toys is so much more fun than laying on my back!  Mommy says that she thinks I'll be sitting all by myself within the next 2 weeks!  YAY!


WOW, yesterday was so much fun because it snowed and I got to play in it!  Mommy made a Daddy Snowman, Mommy Snowman, and a Baby Snowman!  Then she brought me outside (brrr) and sat me next to them....and took more pictures (of course)!  I thought all that white stuff falling on me was funny and I wasn't quite sure why the baby snowman had my bottle!  Snow is really neat..I hope we get some again soon!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010

I am finally starting to feel a little bit better! I still have an annoying cough, but I am back at school (daycare) and hanging out with my friends! I have been eating all sorts of foods like sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, applesauce, peaches, pears, and bananas! My favorites are sweet potatoes, applesauce, and squash. I also love to drink out of my sippy cup! Tonight at dinner, mommy kept trying to help me with my cup, but I kept trying to tell her, "LEAVE ME ALONE! I can do it all by myself!!!!" I overheard mommy telling daddy, "uh-oh, I think Aidan is going to be that kid that wants to do everything all by himself! We are in TROUBLE!!!" I think mommy is right! :)

Daycare has been exciting! I love my teachers and they have been giving my mommy and daddy good reports on me! Today I went through 3 outfits at school! WOW!

Today was exciting because I got my first Valentine's Day card in the mail! It was from Nana! She loves to send cards for every holiday! Mommy took a picture of me and my card...she takes pictures of everything!

Speaking of pictures...mommy took a BUNCH of pictures of me in the bathtub tonight! Embarrassing, but mommy says she won't put any embarrassing pictures of me on my blog! I just love the bathtub and tonight mommy let me play with rubber duckies and the cup that mommy uses to rinse me off. As soon as mommy handed me the cup, I showed her a little trick and balanced it up on my feet! Bath time is so much fun!

One more thing....mommy found a picture of her when she was little and it looks just like me! Mommy has been reassured that I'm not ALL "daddy." :) Mommy put the picture of her with a clown on here that she thinks looks like me.

Well I will write more soon!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ugh! I'm sick!

Well it happened...I got sick! I really don't like this at all! My ear hurts, I have a fever, and my throat hurts. Mommy and daddy have been taking good care of me though. Mommy held me all day yesterday and let me sleep on her chest for 4 hours! I really needed the rest!

Today I am feeling better...thank goodness my fever has gone down. My ear still hurts some, but I think it's getting better. They gave me bubblegum flavored medicine...I don't care what flavor it is, I'm not taking it! Mommy is always shoving medicine in my mouth and I'm done with it!

I was excited today, mommy and daddy bought me a new toy! They got me a walker! Mommy has been wanting to buy me one for a while, because I LOVE to stand up! My feet barely touch the floor, but I know how to move backwards in it. I still have not quite realized that I'm going backwards. One thing I do love to do in my walker is look up at the clock in the kitchen...I love that clock!

Well I gotta run....I mean crawl...I mean...uh, lay around! I'll write again tomorrow!

Monday, February 1, 2010

School Already???

Last night I could hardly sleep....I must have been anticipating my first day of school (daycare)! Mommy got all my stuff together and dropped me off this morning at The Goddard School. There was so much to do and look at, that I didn't notice that mommy actually left me there...but don't worry, I eventually let my teachers know that I wanted to see my mommy PRONTO! Mommy called to check on me once and my teacher told her that I had been crying a bit, but she was holding me and giving me lots of attention! I took a few short naps and made the teachers change my clothes one time.

There were lots of babies friends for me! I had a lot of fun and my teachers said I could come back tomorrow! I now have friends who can crawl and one friend who is a month younger than me, but you'd never know it by his set of hair! WOW...he's had 2 haircuts already...whatever a haircut is.

Mommy was SOO excited to pick me up and I was so happy to see her too!! My teachers told mommy that I will probably sleep really well my first week at school because I'm so busy during the day...we'll see!

By the end of the day, I was happy to come home and see mommy, daddy, and my kitty. I do miss my girlfriend MB (who lives next to me), but mommy says I get to see her on Friday! YAY!
I'm sure school will get more exciting as I learn new things!!