

Aidan Courtney

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

City boy!

For part of my Spring Break, Mommy took me to downtown Atlanta! We rode on a real choo choo train...ok, it was MARTA, but it does go on a track! I was a little concerned that there was not a conductor ringing a bell, but it was fun to wave at everyone on board....even if they did not want to wave at me.

Snack time on the train!

Mommy was bummed out because the whole reason we were going to Atlanta was to go to Centennial Olympic Park....and the fountains were closed for maintenance! Booooo!! We still had fun on the playground though! Plus I got to ride the train home! It was a fun day out with Mommy!

Play the drums at the playground!

Over the bridge!

I found Nana's brick from the Olympics!!!!!!

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