

Aidan Courtney

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Break!

For Spring Break, Mommy and I went to my Aunt Dana's house in Knoxville, TN! Unfortunately, Mommy didn't take any pictures! I was definitely on my best behavior and Mommy was excited because I am getting good at this traveling stuff!

The first day, I hung out with Aunt Dana and McKenzie. We went to the mall and guess what?? They have the SAME CHOO CHOO train that we have at my mall!!! It was so much fun! That afternoon Nana came! I slept pretty good the first night.

Each day we went to the mall! I learned how to say, "Mall" and now I can ask Mommy to go there...which I do quite often! I mostly had fun playing with Nana and McKenzie (Aunt Dana and Uncle John went out of town). I did play with Austin some too!

Each evening, we would go outside and play on the driveway! There was a girl named Chloe that came by everyday on her bicycle. I LOVED her bicycle because it had a bell on a choo choo train! Every time I saw her, I would say, "ding, ding, ding, ding!" She would stop and let me ding her bell! I hope I can get a bell on my bike!

Before you knew it, it was Saturday and Mommy and I drove home to see Daddy!!! I was very excited to see him! It was a great trip...too bad we don't have any pictures to show you!

City boy!

For part of my Spring Break, Mommy took me to downtown Atlanta! We rode on a real choo choo train...ok, it was MARTA, but it does go on a track! I was a little concerned that there was not a conductor ringing a bell, but it was fun to wave at everyone on board....even if they did not want to wave at me.

Snack time on the train!

Mommy was bummed out because the whole reason we were going to Atlanta was to go to Centennial Olympic Park....and the fountains were closed for maintenance! Booooo!! We still had fun on the playground though! Plus I got to ride the train home! It was a fun day out with Mommy!

Play the drums at the playground!

Over the bridge!

I found Nana's brick from the Olympics!!!!!!

My first HAIRCUT! April 2, 2011

Mommy and Daddy took me to get my first haircut. We went to a place called "Half Pint Haircuts." It was a neat place. I got to play with some toys, draw on a chalkboard, and see lots of bubbles! Then I heard someone call my name! When I went over there, this guy had a funny looking chair for me to sit in. Then he put a towel on my neck...NO THANKS! I was ok with the cape though...pretty cool looking. The coolest thing was that he a had a TV with ELMO on it! Then he sprayed my hair with water and started cutting it with scissors. It was not bad at all! I actually had fun. I even let him shave the hair on the back of my neck with an electric shaver! After he did that, I heard Mommy say, "WOW, a birthmark!" Sure enough, there is a small birthmark on my neck that was hidden from all that hair! Haircuts are not bad at all!

Hey Pal! What are you laughing about?

Snip, snip, snip!!!

Dada, can I see your sunglasses???

Ummm, I'll just watch Elmo while you take a little bit off the top and back.

Um, how do I look? My head does feel 1oz lighter!