

Aidan Courtney

Thursday, June 3, 2010

9 months old!!

I can almost crawl!!!!

Sitting in Daddy's chair~

Laughing at daddy.

I love sweet potato fries!

Well I'm 9-months-old now...only 3 months until my 1st birthday!!! I hope mommy and daddy are planning something special for me! I have been busy with school and traveling! Last week mommy and daddy took me to Avon, CT to visit Aunt Krista and Uncle Mike! I was a little put it nicely. I have some teeth coming in and on top of that I got an ear infection...not fun! However, that did not spoil all of my fun! I got to watch them play a funny game called Cornhole and I loved to watch Aunt Krista and Uncle Mike's kitty cat Floyd! He's funny and I like it when he says, "meow." They also took me to a place called Mystic and I got to eat at Mystic Pizza! There were lots of boats to look at in Mystic and I got a lobster tattoo at the lobster festival! I wasn't sure of Uncle Mike because he liked to say, "Getty Up!" to me and at first that was scary...but I guess he's a fun guy! :) I was a good boy on the airplane, but on the way home I was ready to be off the plane! Mommy forgot her camera, so she will post some pictures later when she gets them from Aunt Krista!

I can almost crawl. I get up on my knees and hands and rock. A few times I have gone forward a little bit, but then I always fall on my tummy! This crawling stuff is hard!! I like to stand up by the table and play with toys up there. I also love to throw my toys as far away from me as I can get them. I still love to jump and run around in my walker. I think I heard mommy tell daddy that they were going to have to buy some gates to keep me out of places...good luck with that mommy and daddy!

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