

Aidan Courtney

Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm on the move!

Well these days I'm really on the move. I all of a sudden realized that I could go places in that walker mommy and daddy bought me like 3 months ago! I love to walk all over the kitchen and try to get into things. One day I knocked over the trash can...that was neat.

My favorite place to walk is into the laundry room. That is the neatest room in my house. It has these 2 big white things that spin day I saw Elmo in one of them! He was spinning around everywhere. Everytime I get in in my walker, I head for the laundry room.

Today mommy took me for a walk on the sidewalk (in my walker). I took off and walked 3 houses down and back...and I was wearing shoes! Shoes are funny, but it's better than scraping my toes (like I did yesterday). I had so much fun walking. Mommy is going to take a video of me walking tomorrow.

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