

Aidan Courtney

Friday, January 29, 2010

What's new with me?

I have had a busy couple of days! Wednesday, I was playing on my back in the living room while mommy got my breakfast ready. Then mommy heard me crying and came to see what was wrong with me. I was upset because I rolled from my back to my tummy and I didn't want to be on my tummy!! Mommy was excited (I don't see what the big deal is), but she kept trying to get me to do it again...hello mommy..I said I didn't want to be on my tummy, so why would I roll over again?? Maybe one day I'll do it for her and she can put a picture of me in action on here!

Yesterday I woke up and I felt horrible! I caught my first cold and boy does it suck! I am having trouble sleeping (more trouble than my usual!) and I don't really want to eat. Mommy took me to the doctor pronto! But they said to just wait it out! I hope this doesn't happen to me very often! The good part of it is that mommy and daddy are extra snuggly with me, but the bad part is that I am in a very bad mood! Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow!

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