

Aidan Courtney

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

I'm so excited because it is starting to get warm outside, which means more wagon rides, riding my bike, and going to the playground! I have been having so much fun playing outside with my friends...and of course with Mommy and Daddy! They take me to this new park that just opened up called Fowler Park! It is such a neat park and I have so much fun climbing and sliding on the playground!

Today Mommy and I did something different for me and FUN! We went to a plant nursery and I helped Mommy pick out some flowers. Then we went home and we planted them in some flower pots in front of my house! It was SO much fun and I was Mommy's main helper!

My 1st job was to help Mommy empty the old dirt from the flower pots that were sitting on the porch. While Mommy filled the pots with new dirt, I helped by bringing Mommy the flowers from the garage to our front porch! I carried 8 groups of flowers to her all by myself (one at a time of course!)! Then I helped Mommy take the flowers out of the crates and put them into the flower pot. I used a shovel to put more dirt on top and then came the fun part....WATERING THEM!

We got my watering can from the bathtub and Mommy showed me how to use a water hose and fill up my watering can. Then I brought it over to the flowers and poured the water on them! I thought that watering can was for rinsing soap from my hair in the bathtub! I had so much fun filling my can with water over and over again and watering the flowers. Sometimes when I would get over to the flower, there was no more water left in my watering can! I was not sure where the water was going. Good thing it was hot outside because I got VERY WET!

I hope Mommy and I can plant some more flowers around our house this weekend. Don't tell Mommy I said this, but our house sure could use some more flowers around it and I'm good at planting them! I was sure to let Mommy know when we were done that the watering can belongs back in my bathtub! We didn't put it back in there though because Mommy told me that my new chore each day is to water those flowers out front! I think I can handle that job...especially if it means I get to use that water hose!

Of course Mommy took LOTS of pictures....ENJOY!

First I pick up the water hose!

Then I fill up my watering can, very carefully!

Oh WOW, there's water in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next I CAREFULLY bring the watering can over to the flowers.
Now pour the water on the flowers!

Hey Mom, I need to go get some more water from over there!
Watering flowers really makes me thirsty! This watering can has infinite uses!

Forget carefully carrying the water over to the flowers! I'm running!

HEY! How did I get so much water on my clothes???

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eating/Playing Poker

Not much has been going on. I'm just waiting for the weather to get warm again, so I can go outside and play! We've been pretty much trapped inside, but I have gotten to go ride the train at the mall a few times!!! Oooo Oooooo!

Below is a video of me eating rice...with my fork! I have learned to blow on my food, but this was the 1st time that I picked up the whole bowl to blow on it! I don't need Mommy and Daddy to cool my food down anymore! I can handle it!

Here are some pictures of me playing with poker chips! I discovered (with the help of Daddy), that I have pockets....and I can fill them up with poker chips! FUN!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm 18 months old!!!!

Today I am 18 months old! For this post, Mommy has requested to write on my blog today instead of me! Here you go Mommy...write away!

Dear Aidan,

These last 18 months have been the best months ever for Daddy and I! We love spending time with you each and every day...even on the days you wake us up at 5:00 a.m., eager to play trains! You have given Daddy and I so many new things to do on the weekends, like go to the playground, play trains and Little People, or just go for a walk! One of the best things you have given back to us recently is sleep! We LOVE that you now sleep through the night!

You make us laugh....and cry, but usually you are busy making us laugh! We love when you show us your muscles, play the air drums to Dave Matthews Band, say "ooooh" when we have told you what something is, speak gibberish to us (we know you are saying something!), and we do appreciate your love for trains.

You are talking more and more each day! We love to hear you say, "yeah" or "no" when asked if you want something. You can say so many words now, that it's difficult to count them all. We love that you always try to say what we are saying!

You are very helpful around the house to Daddy and I! When Daddy comes home, he loves it when you help him put his shoes back in the closet and his work clothes in the hamper (Mommy and Daddy can't even seem to put their clothes in the hamper themselves!). I love how when I get out the vacuum cleaner, you get out the broom and start sweeping the floor. You've almost got the sweeping part down! You always make sure I put the wipes container back on the table and you throw your diapers away for me! You also pick up stuff that does not belong on the floor and throw it away.

I love that you have been a trooper with your food allergies! You are a great eater, given that you don't have many great offerings to eat! You and I both LOVE spaghetti and I love that you can eat spaghetti or rice with a fork...independently! You always have amazed me with your ability to use a fork and a spoon. What amazes me more is that you now insist on having a napkin (or "nah-in" as you say) and that you use it appropriately and set it by your plate!

You are active, yet very attentive and I love your sweet personality. At times when I least expect it, you are patient. I love your attention to small details, yet your ability to see the big picture. You have a great sense of humor and everyone can see that within a few seconds of meeting you. Your smile can brighten anyone's day and I'm glad that you are here to brighten mine every day!

I can't believe you are already 18 months old and in 6 short months you will be 2! I hope you continue to grow and make us laugh each day. I hope you quickly outgrow your allergies. Most of all, I hope you know that Mommy and Daddy love you SOOOOO MUCH and we are so lucky to have such a wonderful little boy in our lives.

Love Mommy!
See videos below!

Aidan eating spaghetti

Aidan taking off his coat! What a big boy! I love that he tells me it's "Mine."